Venus in Libra - Planetary Ring
The 'Venus in Libra' [planetary ring] Astrological Talismans were modeled by hand, and lost-wax cast in solid .999 silver at precisely 2:24am on September 3, 2016 in WIlliamsport, PA, at 21° Cancer rising. Oxidized and polished, Agrippa's 'characters of Venus' via Bk1 chapter XXXIII, and the seals of the Intelligence and Spirit of Venus carved in relief along the band. A prong-set malachite cabochon is seated in the circle of the planetary glyph of Venus.
Casting was accompanied by Petitions and Suffumigation to Venus, modeled after the those found in the medieval grimoire of astrological magic, "Gayat Al Hakim" Picatrix.
Venus is seated angular in the fourth house, dignified by domicile (+5 at 5° Libra) on her planetary day. The newly-emerged waxing moon applies within two degrees to a bodily conjunction with Venus, to be received by the enthroned Lady of Dawn and Dusk from 3° Libra.
"Venus being fortunate, procureth concord, endeth strife, procureth the love, conduceth to conception, is good against barreness, causeth ability for generation, dissolves enchantments, and causeth peace between man, and woman . . . It conduceth to the cure of all melancholy distempers, and causeth joyfulness; and being carryed about travellers make them fortunate." -Agrippa 'Three Books of Occult Philosophy', Bk II ch XXII
Venus's next applying aspect [a sextile to Saturn at 10° Sagittarius] in most cases would be seen as an aspect to rather avoid, had Venus not been applying via a harmonious aspect from the sign of Saturn's exaltation; in which case he is obliged and happy to receive her. -Though Venus, being the planet with the most essential and accidental dignity, cares little. If nothing else, Saturn may lend to the talisman's effects an augmentation of steady momentum and endurance, being succedent in Sagittarius.
"Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm - for love is strong as death." - Song of Solomon 8:6
The 'Venus in Libra' Planetary Ring arrives in a black leatherette ring box.